If you do not remember your password, please, use the following instructions in order to reset it:

To log in to the EIT Climate-KIC Call and Grant Management Portal, please, follow the next steps:

  1. Click on the following link to open a login page: https://stichtingclimate-kicinternational2.my.site.com/climateEuPortal/s/login/?ec=302&startURL=%2FclimateEuPortal%2Fs%2F
  2. Once the system opens a login page, please, scroll down and click on the “Forgot your password” link under the “Log in” button:

Screenshot 2024-01-14 at 13.20.00.png

  1. Once you click on the “Forgot your password?” link, the system will open a password reset page. Please, enter your username in the relevant field and click on “Continue”.

Please, note, that your username has the following format: your-email.ckic. Example: if your email is [email protected] then your username will be: [email protected]

Screenshot 2024-01-14 at 13.21.38.png

  1. The system will notify you that an email with a link to a password reset has been sent out to your email.

Please, check your email (including your spam folder). If you haven’t received the email immediately, please, wait for a couple of minutes. If you do not receive an email after 2-3 minutes, please, click on the blue “resend the email” link:

Screenshot 2024-01-14 at 13.24.20.png

  1. Please, check your inbox, and follow the instructions written in the email

Please, note, that if you are using the correct username (not an email) for a password reset and you keep getting the links that do not work, please, clear your cache and try again.

If you used the correct username, cleared the cache and still facing some issues, please, contact us at [email protected].