Please, note that only a Proposal Lead can invite a Collaborator. It is not allowed for a Collaborator to invite another Collaborator.

To add a Collaborator Organization, please:

  1. From the “Proposals/Projects” section click on the Proposal you want to add a Collaborator to:

Screenshot 2024-01-14 at 13.33.30.png

  1. Then, click on “Invite to Collaborate” button in the upper right corner:

Screenshot 2024-01-14 at 13.36.18.png

Please note that there are three options on how a Collaborator can be invited depending on whether they or their Organisations are registered in the System. Please, scroll down and use the relevant instructions.

  1. Once you click on “Invite to Collaborate” the System will automatically open a pop-up window to choose the Organisation of a Collaborator. Search for the relevant Organisation and:

a) if the Organisation is not registered in the System Please, click on the “Next” button to proceed further:

Screenshot 2024-01-14 at 13.38.18.png